Quantum Hardware Architecture

Superconducting Qubits visualization

Superconducting Qubits

Operating at near absolute zero temperatures, superconducting qubits leverage the Josephson effect to create quantum states. These circuits exhibit quantum behavior at macroscopic scales.

Coherence Time:~100 microseconds
Gate Fidelity:>99.9%
Operating Temperature:~20 millikelvin
Coupling Strength:~50 MHz
Trapped Ions visualization

Trapped Ions

Individual ions are trapped using electromagnetic fields and manipulated with lasers. These systems offer exceptional coherence times and high-fidelity operations.

Coherence Time:>10 seconds
Gate Fidelity:>99.9%
Operating Temperature:Room temperature
Coupling Strength:~100 kHz
Photonic Qubits visualization

Photonic Qubits

Using single photons as qubits, these systems leverage linear optical elements and photon detection for quantum operations.

Coherence Time:Limited by optical path
Gate Fidelity:>99%
Operating Temperature:Room temperature
Loss Rate:<0.1 dB/km

Key Hardware Features

Qubit Control

Precise microwave and laser systems for qubit manipulation with sub-nanosecond timing resolution.

Cryogenic Systems

Dilution refrigerators maintaining stable millikelvin temperatures for superconducting circuits.

Error Correction

Surface code implementation with high-fidelity measurement and reset operations.

Quantum I/O

High-bandwidth classical-to-quantum interfaces with minimal decoherence.